Sonntag, 4. Mai 2008

Neues Clientless Powerlevel Tool by Drew_Bento


This tool is a special project I've been working on the past month to improve SR33 as well as begin development of specialized Silkroad tools. I have updated SR33 to version 4.0, which fixed a few more bugs and greatly improved the packet handling process. The user data section now properly tracks client data, which it did not before. SR33 4.0 base source code will be posted later and is currently an open source project.

This tool, [SR33]Clientless is a special clientless based program to aid in the powerleveling process. It is a closed source project. It is designed to help you power level your characters through one main client. This tool is NOT a bot. It might seem a bit complicated at first, but if you read over all the instructions you should be able to get it working in no time. Watch the videos if all else fails before asking for help.

This is a tool for people who:

* Want to power level their own characters (sp farm, level up, academy).
* Want to have their characters power leveled without giving out account information.
* Want to power level others' characters without knowing their account information.
* Want to keep their own exp-dist party full by inviting their own characters. (Owner has to invite manually)
* Are really inclined, perform trades by setting up everything on a regular client, then logging in with clientless and tracing on the main character. When you reach the destination, you would exit and resign on main clients to sell. This is not recommended due to the things that could go wrong and you'd not be able to do anything about it, but it is a possibility.

Disclaimer: This tool is a beta program under development, so I am not responsible if your account is banned for using it. I've been using it for a while on mine and not have any problems, but it is still a use at your own risk program. Please read the entire thread before trying to use the program. Do not use the program if there is a Silkroad update, wait to see if the program needs to be updated first.

Quick-Start Guide Install:

1. Copy "[sr33]Silkroad.exe" into your Silkroad folder.
2. Copy "sr33.145.loader.exe" into your Silkroad/x33 folder if you use Softmod. Otherwise you can delete the file.
3. Everything else has to be as-is in a folder.

Quick-Start Guide Login Server:

1. Run "SR33.exe". You will need to "unblock" it since it acts as proxy server on your computer.
2. Run either "[sr33]Silkroad.exe" to launch a legit client or "x33/sr33.145.loader.exe" to launch a Softmod client. For now, you need a physical client connected through SR33 to get your character id.
3. Open "access.ini" and change the password. It can be whatever you want but make it something that other people won't be able to guess in a few tries.
4. Run "[sr33]clientless.exe". You are only allowed to open 5 instances. The important code is protected to prevent abuse. The executable is large to ensure no malicious activity results in this public test. No information from your computer is sent anywhere other than the Joymax server.
5. Login to accounts, it should be straight forward. If the login process stops with an error, you might need to restart the clientless program again. Video:

Quick-Start Guide - World Server:

1. On your main client, type in ".id" to get your character ID.
2. Send a PM to each of your clientless characters in the format: "auth password" where password is what you set in "access.ini". You will get a PM back letting you know if it was accepted.
3. Send a PM to each of your clientless characters in the format: "owner id" where id is the character ID you were told from step 1. An example would be "owner A54D12".You will get a PM back letting you know if it was accepted.

Steps 1-3 Video:

Now you are ready to use the clientless characters. Read the commands below to see what you can do.

Party/Stats -
Auto Res -
Other Commands -
Server Traffic -

Command List:

These are the commands you can send to the clientless character via PM and/or party chat.

sit - Makes the character sit/stand. [also party]
leave - Makes the character leave the current party it is in.
trace - Makes the character trace the owner. [also party]
move x y - Moves the character to [X Y]. (i.e. "move 1234 -512") [also party]
exit - Makes the character exit
stats - Reports the tracked exp and sxp for the character. [also party]
about - Clientless will say in all chat, "SR33 .:. Drew Benton .:. 0x33"

Feature List:

* Clientless program. Low memory and cpu usage so your computer is not burdened down with the bloated sro_client and data files.
* Status reporting on the login process so you know what is going on. Most errors can be recovered from, but a few you will have to restart the clientless program.
* Server traffic "bring back to image code" feature will re-log you back to the image code so you can type it again. Image code verification is still a manual process that you have to perform.
* Character selection based on name and level displayed. Easily choose the character to login the game with.
* Basic commands to make managing characters to be powerleveled more easy. You can login clientless characters on your PC and have a friend do the powerleveling without them ever knowing your account details. All you have to give them is the auth password which can be changed. Nothing bad can come out of them having that control, besides you dying a lot
* Basic auth / login system to allow only yourself (or people you trust) to access and manage your clientless character. Simple block system in place to ignore 'hackers' that try to gain access via password guessing.
* Auto res on death if possible and auto res on a rebirth skill cast. (Not tested with EU reses but should work, group res probably not)
* Death notification via PM if the clientless character dies.
* Ability to move the character to X, Y positions via chat. This is useful for making a client get to the hard to each places.
* A few commands can be used in party chat or private message.
* Simple 'leave' party command useful for keeping your clients in a party you are in control of in case of a DC.
* Gracious 5 character limit for this beta test (full academy possible)

Important Stuff:

* If you exit SR33 at any time or it crashes, all clients connected through it will disconnect.
* Disable "Client Hooking" if you want to start clients after you have ran SR33 so SR33 does not hook them (otherwise you will get C10 error)
* "Warping" across ferries, towns, caves is not supported and will not be added in this demo. You will have to get your characters to the desired place with a regular client if you must do that.
* Any type of warping will reset the main characters id, so you will have to redo everything if you warp at all.
* The commands are effective only for the current session of game play. You will have to auth / owner if you reset the clientless or your main client gets d/ced.
* Risk of getting caught with this type of clientless is very low. The highest risk factors are using 'move', but if you get banned for that, every single isrobot character would too.
* Only a few packets are not sent from the client to the server on low level characters. I'm not sure what all of them are specifically but I know a few are related to the "academy joining" stuff. Since they are not always sent, I've deemed them pretty safe to not send.
* This tool only does what it advertises and is provided on an "as-is" basics. You can't bot, stall, trade, use items, etc.. on the clientless characters.
* SR33 does not implement a multiclient, but the modded launcher allows you to start more sro_clients.
* Do not rename files or things might not work out right.
* Don't run a debugger when trying to start the clientless.
* Yes, the quote is from The Matrix ;)
* If you have any bugs or notice things that aren't quite right let me know. This is a beta test.


Visual Studio 2008 Runtime (need this if you do not have VS 2008 installed)

Extra: (Clientless Login) (Short Demo)

How to go about setting up a clientless for another person to "control".

1. You must run SR33 and [SR33]Clientless first and login the character. You might want to tell the other person exactly where your character is ;)
2. The other person must be running SR33 (to get their character id)
3. Tell the other person the password from the "access.ini"
4. The other person must first "auth" and then set themselves as the "owner".
5. From there they can use all of the commands as described above. I.e. invite to their party, make it trace, etc...
6. If the other person is done with the character, they can send the "exit" command to exit the clientless. Otherwise you can just close the clientless on your computer and it will disconnect your character, since it is running on your computer still.

As long as the other person has read this thread, it should be pretty easy. I tested this out with someone earlier who hadn't read this thread or didn't know much about this project and they could get it all figured out :)

Update Log:

[5/4/08] - 1.0 - Initial release.
by Drew_Benton

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